Everyday Spanish for Teachers (Preschool Teachers)
This workshop has been designed for teachers who have little or no experience with the Spanish language. During the workshop, teachers will play, sing, dance and enjoy puppet shows together! At the end of the session, you will have a bag full of ideas and ready to use with your students.
Teaching Spanish Through Music, Movement and Puppets (Spanish Teachers)
During this workshop, Spanish teachers will explore how music can be used to create a safe environment for young learners as well as creating routines and transitions in the foreign language classroom. Teachers will also explore how puppets can be introduced in teaching Spanish in a dynamic way. Teachers will write their own songs/stories and create puppets that will go along with their creations.
Bring a Language into Your Child’s Life
During this workshop, parents will learn more about the benefits of introducing young minds to a new language as it differs significantly from the way most of us learned foreign languages in secondary school or college. We will explore a number of tips about how to expose children to a new language when only one language is spoken at home. Little ones are also invited as we will have some time to play in Spanish!!!